Monday, July 19, 2010

What does Peace mean to you?

I am working with the United Nations on a Global Peace Art Project- Mandalas Sacred Art.
The Mandala's created would go into a book.
Titled: What does Peace mean to you?
For the United Nations. Proceeds from the sale of the book would go back to the UN for funding Global Peace.

Asked (when creating your image): What does Peace Mean To You?
On back in pencil write: First Name, Age, Where Created- Country, When- Date, Affect- What did you feel when you created this image? Story, Does your Image have a story? Name of Image

Example: Melissa, 38, USA, Hope, My Hope is that Peace is Actualized during my life time Globally, Peace World Wide
Materials needed:1 sheet- 11x14 white computer paper, colored pencils, black circle on paper
(Circle 7 inch diameter)

Directions to Create Mandala: Sit with Materials and think about question being asked? Then take your time and begin drawing. This is non judgmental. Anything that you create is okay. No one way is correct. Every ones art will be different and that is Okay.

We are gathering Mandala Images from all over the world from all different ages.
Using:The Same Material. Asking the Same Question and Receiving: Different Images from Different People all over the world. The name of Each Country will be used who contributed to the final book. What does Peace Mean to You? to help fund the United Nations Global Peace Project

Could this be something that you could help with?

Release Form:

Mandala Art Work

What does Peace Mean to you?

All of the material used will be the same.

The Question Asked to create art work will be the same.

Art work will Vary from person to person.

Consent to Exhibit and or to Publicize Art Work

I hereby authorize Mrs. Ayr and Mrs. Woolf, to photograph, film, videotape, photocopy, place on the web, publish in a future book my art work in connection with this Mandala.

I hereby release and hold harmless Mrs. Ayr and Mrs. Woolf from any and all claims or demands whatsoever arising by reason of this authorization or the subsequent use of any information conveyed, any exhibition of art work, any photography taken, film, videotape, reprint, web use or future book publication of art works or any publicity used pursuant to this authorization.

I donate my art 100% and I relinquish the copy write for the Art work donated. I do not wish for anything in return.


Name: Print and Sign


Age and Date and Country where Art work was created


Affect- Emotion felt while creating image? Name of Image?

If artist is a minor A Parent needs to sing on behalf of child

Names will be with held from artwork to protect the privacy of the individual. First Name Initial, Age and Title of Mandala Art work will be used with the signed permission from the Artist. Images from the Art work will be collected. Selected Mandala Images will be used.

Intention for this Mandala Art work is to create a Book for the United Nations Global Peace Project to help fund Global Peace.


To save on Paper the Mandala could be created on the reverse of the Release Form

Simplest thing to create a circle template is to use a paper plate, if a compass is not available.

Materiel Needed: Colored Pencils and White 11x14 Paper

Melissa Ayr - Contemporary Abstract Artist